Last February 17th, I had the wonderful opportunity to meet Michael, Angela, and Angela's beautiful daughter, Sylvia. Michael and Angela had dated earlier in their lives, but as it turned out, it just wouldn't be the right time for them. Their journey back to one another would take years and heartache, Angela had married and then suffered one of the greatest losses imagineable, the death of her husband and father to her baby girl. Michael and Angela met again some time after that and as it turns out they would really click.
Michael & Angela traveled north to marry at the Country Hermitage Bed & Breakfast in Traverse City in an intimate ceremony surrounded by close friends and family. Only one day prior, a blizzard had ripped through the county shutting down all the roads in the area, but the skies cleared, the plows...well, they plowed and the Dusseau's were married on a perfect winter's day. Seeing this couple so happy together and the love they share for Sylvia...well, it just gets me all misty again! I'm such a sap.
Happy Anniversary my friends!

I love musician's hands!

A Shout Out to Pastor Dan Herlein (he's the coolest!)